Yoga Therapy at Penn Nalam
It was started as a once a week initiative in 2011. Gradually, yoga therapy at Penn Nalam is now being offered daily with yoga teachers, who work with dedication and zeal in time with the objectives of Penn Nalam.
Uniqueness of yoga therapy model offered at Penn Nalam is that, yoga therapy consultant makes comprehensive assessment of the individual and designs the therapeutic approach. This is taught by the yoga teacher in a ONE TEACHER ONE STUDENT environment.
Beneficiaries of yoga therapy at Penn Nalam can be broadly classified as
- Persons who come for screening
- Persons undergoing Chemotherapy
- Post surgical management
To enable a cogent understanding between staff of Penn Nalam and yoga therapy team, a workshop was conducted by Dr. Latha sathish elaborately dealing with psychological aspects to be addressed.
Apart from in house activity, yoga teachers also accompany Penn Nalam team in the awareness camps conducted periodically.